So In Style Rocawear Grace, Darren, Trichelle, and Marisa
Mattel stock photos (combined)
(Copied from my Black Doll Collecting blog)
Those who have not been successful in finding the latest wave of Barbie So In Style Rocawear dolls (shown above) may want to purchase them online from the Mattel Shop (; all four dolls are available at the time of this writing for $12.99. Please read this entire post first to take advantage of two and possibly four ways to save on your purchase.
1. If you are registered with, go to first, and from there link to by entering "mattel shop" in ebate's search box, then click the Mattel link. You'll get 2% cash back on your purchase. (If you are not already registered with, do so here.)
2. If you have not already joined the email family, join it at their website (see the banner at the top of their home page) to get an additional 10% off your first order. Now -- I am not sure the additional 10% will work along with items 3 and/or 4, below, but the possibility that it will is worth joining their email loop.
3. For 15% off your order, use coupon code FEB15OFF during checkout at
4. If your order totals $50 or more, use coupon code FSOVER50 to get free shipping.
You may only be able to use one of the above coupon codes, but again, I would try both. Both coupon codes are good through 02/29/2012.
Happy Saturday and happy shopping.