Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Family Dollar Thursday Sale

According to their current sales ad, Family Dollar in my area will be open on Thanksgiving, 11/22/12.  All toys (this includes dolls... specifically Fashion Madness Kenya) will be Buy One Get One for 70% off! So if you buy two Kenya's, the first will be $20 and the second $6.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Follow my Black Doll Collecting blog

Saturday, November 17, 2012

eBay Cash Back is Back Through Ebates.com

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Are you an eBay buyer?  Are you already registered with Ebates.com?  If you answered, "yes" to both questions, you are eligible to receive up to 3.0% cash back when you link to eBay.com through Ebates.com prior to completing your eBay purchases.

If you are not already a registered Ebates.com user, you can register here.  Then each time you win an auction on eBay, link to eBay prior to paying for the auction to receive up to 3.0 cash back, which will be mailed by check directly to you or deposited in your Paypal account.  Cash back is issued quarterly and the percentages vary from merchant to merchant.  That information is always disclosed on Ebates when you link to the merchants' site.

I have been an Ebates.com member since December 2008.  To date, I have received $318.52 cash back from online purchases through several online merchants including eBay in the past before they discontinued their Ebates affiliation, but now it is back!

Based on my recent purchase and/or browsing history, I have received Ebates cash backs from Vistaprint.com, Shutterfly.com, Walgreens.com. ShopMattel.com and, if I use their service; I will receive cash back from Eyebuydirect.com.  Ebates partners "with 1,500 stores including Sephora, JCPenney, Kohl's, Home Depot, Overstock.com, Groupon, and Walmart, so you are sure to find your favorites."

 Before I make any online purchases, I go to Ebates.com to determine if the merchant is an Ebates affiliate.  If they are, I link to their site through Ebates prior to making the purchase.  Every little bit helps!

dbg Follow my Black Doll Collecting blog